
翻译备考 | 关键词汉译英 | 002 | “潜规则”

2017-02-25 王逢鑫 北极光翻译






hidden rule, latent rule, underlying rule, unspoken rule, casting couch, be forced to share a casting couch with sb




The actress exposed that she had been taken in by a certain director through the potential rule.


The actress exposed that she had been forced to share a casting couch with a certain director.

潜规则指在一个圈子里心照不宣、然而大多数成员默许和恪守的不成文的行为规则。它本来是个名词,在这里变成了动词。to be taken in的意思是to be deceived被欺骗没有表达出"被潜规则的含义。娱乐圈的潜规则,指的是演员为上镜与导演之间进行性交换,带有贬义。potential 是个中性词,指现在还不是,而将来会变成的,即潜在的,例如:potential customer (潜在的顾客),potential buyer (潜在的买主),potential problem(潜在的问题)potential threat(潜在的威胁),potential effect(潜在的效果)。而potential rule的意思是现在还不是,而将来可能会变成的规则,将"潜规则译成potential rule是不妥的。美国好莱坞圈内潜规则事件屡见不鲜,英语可以用casting couch表示潜规则;用to be forced to share a casting couch with sb表示"被潜规则casting的字面意义是"导演选择演员couch则指"试镜室内的躺椅casting couch的比喻意义为a euphemism for a sociological phenomenon that involves the trading of sexual favours by an aspirant, apprenticeemployee, or subordinate to asuperior, in return for entry into an occupation, or for other career advancement within an organization,即"为进入圈内或晋升而与上司进行性交换。例如:      


1. 这个年轻女演员利用潜规则进入电影业。

The young actress used the casting couch to enter the film industry.

2. 实际上,潜规则并不完全是那样起作用的。

Actually thats not quite how Casting Couch works.

3. 潜规则是神话,还是现实?

Is the casting couch a myth or a reality?

4. 人们就好莱坞的潜规则已经写了许多文章。

Much has been written about the casting couch in Hollywood.

5. 潜规则的事在娱乐圈内不再是什么秘密。

The casting couch is no longer a secret in the entertainment circles.

"潜规则”在一般不带有负面意义情况下,可以译为hidden rule,latent rule, underlying rule 或 unspoken rule 例如:

6. 各行各业都有潜规则。

All trades and professions have their own hidden rules.

7. 娱乐圈的潜规则是什么?

What is the latent rule in the entertainment circles?

8. 如果你想进入演艺界从业,你必须接受和遵循娱乐圈的潜规则。

If you want to pursue a career in the entertainment industry, you have to accept and follow the latent rule in the entertainment circles.

9. 显然,他没有意识到官场存在潜规则。

Obviouslyhe was unaware of the existence of an underlying rule in the officialdom.

10. 这位女市长遭遇了官场潜规则。

The mayoress encountered the hidden rule in the officialdom.

11. 这位职业经理人现身说法揭露了商场潜规则。

The professional manager exposed the underlying rule in the commercial circles through his own examples.

12. 谁也不想破除这个在职场久已存在的潜规则。

Nobody wanted to break this unspoken rule that had long existed in the professional circles.

13. 这些玩家正在试图了解这个游戏的潜规则。

The players are trying to understand the hidden rule of the game.

14. 关于财富的一个潜规则是人们不谈论钱,但是谈论投资。

A hidden rule of wealth is that money is not discussed but investments are,

15. 外人不知道的是:在演艺圈内有个潜规则。

What theoutsiders do not know is that there is a hidden rule in the show business.

16. 我认为在牙医中间有个潜规则,就是他们必须让你再次回来看牙,所以他们永远不会把治疗全部恰当地做完。

I think there is this underlying rule with dentists that they must keep you coming back for moreso they never quite finish the job properly,

17. 他试图挑战和抵御这个潜规则,但是白费力气。

He tried in vain to challenge and resist the underlying rule.

18 不管你对此是否理解,它就是潜规则。

Whether you understand this or notit is the underlying rule.

19. 在英国这里的潜规则是:开门见山就谈生意是不礼貌的。

The underlying rule here in England is that it is impolite to start talking business right away,

20. 关于这类事情存在潜规则。

There is an unspoken rule about this kind of thing.

21. 我问过演艺圈内几十个人是否听说过这个潜规则。

I asked dozens of people in the entertainment business if they had heard of this unspoken rule.

22. 这个潜规则已被当作常识而实行。

This unspoken rule has been enforced as a common sense.

23. 常常会遇到这样一个潜规则,就是一个家庭的母亲是呆在家里抚养孩子的家长。

It has often been an unspoken rule that the mother of a family is the parent to stay at home to raise the children.

24. 在世界的每个部分,在每种文化里,都存在一种社交生活的潜规则。

In every part of the world and in every culture, there is an unspoken rule of social life.


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